Monetization of A2P SMS traffic

Offer for TelCo Operators.

SIM Box detection (and not only)

“Increase your revenue now”

SIM Box fraud is a growing phenomenon and costs the telecommunications industry billions of dollars. The main reasons are:

  • SIM Box equipment is low cost, feature rich and widely available.
  • Fraudster are smart and savvy.
  • All-inclusive cheap bundle packages by mobile operators are driving SIM Box popularity.

But, at the same time, SIM Box usage leads to bad customer experience.

Then, SIM Box fraud affects two of our pillars for our companies: Revenues and “the Customer”.

Together with our partners, with experience and international presence in a variety of countries, using a combination of advanced methods and round the clock detection we are geared to offer a unique and effective solution, in order to combat the phenomenon and to recover revenue streams that would otherwise be lost.

Our approach consists of four fundamental components:

  • Message Simulator
  • SIM Box Analytics Engine
  • Message ContentAnalytics
  • Intelligence

Below is a general description for each of the components.

Message Simulator

OTT brands and test messages are simulated and sent to our probes. Data from probes is analyzed automatically, route used identified and information fed back to a 24/7 dedicate team for immediate action.

SIM Boxes are identified by using advanced pattern recognition algorithms and by combining route, Sender ID and message content information. Moreover tests are carried out in order to validate SIM Box usage.

SIM Box Analytics Engine

Reports are received automatically via SFTP from the Mobile Operator and are fed into the Analytics Engine.

The SIM Box AnalyticsEngineautomaticallyanalysis the reportsand according topre-definedthresholds will raise alarms.

Alarms aregenerated andforwarded to our team for furthermonitoring.

A dedicated team will analysethe alarms andblocking of trafficwill be carried outdepending onprocedures agreedwith the mobileoperator.

Message content analytics

The International A2P Message Content Database contains all messages used by International OTT brands and is updated constantly.

The Database is uploaded onto the Mobile Operator SMS Firewall and rules are applied in order to allow such messages from authorized GTs or Sender IDs only.


Our database contains detailed information about messaging activity which we have build through the years and update periodically (Information about illegal routes, Information about Network Operators doing SMS Aggregation, Information about the latest techniques in SID masking, etc).

It should be emphasized that our solution does not apply only to the phenomenon of SIM boxes but more generally to the main fraudulent techniques that today negatively affect the revenues (and margins) of telecommunications operators:

  • Revenue leakage from SMS traffic terminated via international links from Roaming Partners, SMS Providers and SMS Hubs
  • Revenue leakage from International SMS traffic terminated via domestic operators and local SMS Providers
  • SPAM and Fraudulent traffic received by subscribers resulting in customer complaints, port outs and brand damage

Once our solution is implemented, the advantages for the operator are immediately evident:

  • Eliminate Loss of Revenue from International SMS termination
  • Generate New Revenue by monetizing A2P SMS traffic
  • Protect Customers from spam and fraudulent SMS

Our solution in its most complete implementation, which involves a sort of intimate collaboration with the operator, is the one that can maximize the recovery of revenue and margins.

What Makes Us Unique ?

Unlike other players, we do not just sell an SMS Firewall product, but we also offer a comprehensive managed service to help our client, the mobile operator, secure the maximum revenue opportunity and provide the best customer experience.

And last but not least, we do not ask for any investment. Our compensation is based on a revenue sharing mechanism.

Ultimately what we offer is:

  • Profitability
    • New revenue stream from monetization of A2P SMS traffic.
    • No investment requirement and no operational costs.
  • Peace of Mind
    • Take control of your SMS traffic and maximize your revenue.
    • Protect your subscribers against fraudulent traffic.
    • Proven technology and performance.
  • Experience and Innovation
    • We come with a wealth of experience in the telecommunications world offering a future proof product and the best customer experience.