Mobile ticketing

The mobile ticketing is the new frontier of systems for the’ purchase and pay for tickets.

And’ can manage with a single platform all aspects relating to the purchase, the issuance and delivery of tickets and passes access through mobile devices.

And’ can also be alerted in time before the ticket expires.

Bizando is able to provide, typically the city corporations, a complete and safe solution, and that includes all major payment services. Obviously I'm including the validation of the ticket and all major administrative aspects necessary to ensure a response to 360 degrees and "ready to use" for the needs of the client company.

The solution of Mobile ticketing Bizando:

  • reduces the cost of printing and physical distribution of tickets
  • increases the chances of buying tickets to the final consumer, for the latter increasing the convenience and comfort
  • increases the revenue, because in general increases the accessibility when purchasing your ticket, which can be bought in virtually any place and at any time
  • allows you to use your e-ticket as a vehicle for additional stream of revenue (vedi advertising) or to provide additional services to the consumer
  • consente all’azienda il totale controllo della piattaforma attraverso un’interfaccia di amministrazione totalmente user friendly

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