
Bizando is a company, streamlined and effective, active since 2010 especially in the world of marketing and business development, technology and innovation.

Bizando means for us to 'do business together', with the pride of being Italian and the ability to move internationally.

And our brand wants to enclose these values ​​in a nutshell. Biz is the term used in the world of the new economy to indicate the business in the world; to this we added the ending of the gerund to indicate active participation on our part.

Bizando was created to assist and help enterprises in the development of their traditional business and / or to address new business, helping them in the exploratory phase, freeing from increasing of fixed costs and supporting them in the best choices.

Bizando can help especially in Italy, in Spain and Brazil. But not only.

Bizando makes ethics and respect for the individual one of its main features. After all business is done by companies, and companies are made up of men.

Some of our partners: